Friday, May 16, 2008

Well, this is a new thing for me, so bear with me.  I am working lately to meet a deadline (for work) and as soon as that is met and I have more time I will catch you all up on my life, which, come to think of, may only take two or three lines of text anyway.  Question: does everyone think their life is quite boring or is it just me? 


Stowell Family Blog said...

mom, you're a babe.

Mindy said...

I am not sure if you know me...I think we may have met once. I am Kyle cases wife who is cousins with Lee. In answer to your question there is hours when I think I will die of bordem and others that rock. I live in St. George too and since I just moved here I think its hard to get too bored with a mall, temple and costco and tae pan to go to! Maybe having a blog will be a good thing. To me posting blogs forces me to find all the magic in life in between the boring parts.